Refresher Workshop on Finfish and Shellfish Species Identification organised by the Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI
Mandapam Regional Centre of the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) organised a five-day Refresher Workshop on “Finfish and Shellfish Species Identification” in Hybrid mode from February 12th to 16th, 2024. A total of 20 participants from the Chennai, Tuticorin, and Mandapam regions attended the training. Dr G. Tamilmani, Senior Scientist and Head-in-Charge, inaugurated the training and briefed on the importance of marine fish landing data collection. Dr. J. Jayasankar, Head, FRAEED gave the inaugural address. The training included theory and practical classes taken by Shri.M. Rajkumar (Identification of Shrimp, Crab, Lobster, Stomatopod, Cephalopods, Gastropods, and Bycatch Resources), Dr. L. Remya (Demersal Resources), Dr. R. Vinothkumar (Pelagic Resources), and Dr. Shoba Joe Kizakudan (Sharks). Field visits to Mandapam South and North fish landing centres and Pamban Therkuvadi for species identification were also arranged. The species identification skills of the participants were evaluated at the beginning and end of the workshop.
The workshop concluded with a valedictory function on February 16th 2024. Dr. G. Tamilmani, Senior Scientist and Head-in-Charge, delivered the valedictory remarks and distributed the certificates. Dr. J. Jayasankar, Head, FRAEED, and Dr. Shoba Joe Kizakudan, Head, FFD and Principal Investigator, shared their remarks about the workshop. Dr. L. Remya proposed the vote of thanks. Shri. M. Rajkumar, Scientist (Shellfish Fisheries Division), Dr. L. Remya, Scientist (Finfish Fisheries Division), MRC of ICAR-CMFRI, and Dr. R. Vinothkumar, Scientist (Finfish Fisheries Division), TRS of ICAR-CMFRI, were the Coordinators. This Refresher Workshop was organised under the ongoing in-house project “Resource assessment and management framework for sustaining marine fisheries of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry” (PEL/RMS/08).