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Daily Landings at Major Harbours

Estimates of daily landings of important marine fishery resources at selected major fisheries harbours in the country are presented here on a near real time basis. The landing figures given are the estimates of quantities of different fishery resources (in Kg) brought to the respective fisheries harbours during a 24 hours period starting from 12:00 noon of the first calendar day to 12:00 noon of the subsequent day. The price range (in Rupees/Kg) of auction at respective fisheries harbours is also given for different marine fishery resources.



The information provided is purely based on observed landings from sampled fishing crafts that are landed in selected marine fisheries harbours following a scientific sampling design. CMFRI and its officials will not be responsible for any loss in kind or cash occurring to any individual / organization / company / any others, as a result of using this information which is put on public domain.


Source Acknowledgement

Any individual / organization / company / any others using the information provided in this page should acknowledge CMFRI in all the publications, reports and any other outputs generated out of this information by clearly mentioning the source information/data.

Station : Cochin FH, Kerala
Date : 15 October 2024
Sl No Resource Landings Price(Rs/kg)
Max. Min.
1 Prawns 25875 50 30
2 Ribbonfish 40140 150 120
3 Squid/Cuttlefish 9180 300 200
4 Tuna 36500 200 60
5 Sailfish 11750 200 160
Total Landings at the harbour
Station : Visakhapatnam FH, Andhra Pradesh
Date : 11 October 2024
Sl No Resource Landings Price(Rs/kg)
Max. Min.
1 Silverbellies 27289 80 60
2 Ribbonfish 11232 120 100
3 Threadfin breams 8968 150 120
4 Scads 17615 130 60
5 Lizardfish 7208 100 80
Total Landings at the harbour
Station : Mangalore FH, Karnataka
Date : 10 October 2024
Sl No Resource Landings Price(Rs/kg)
Max. Min.
1 Tuna 211833 123 100
2 Mackerel 20950 150 80
3 Thredfin breams 367200 200 19
4 Scads 162000 125 19
5 Squid 108000 350 250
Total Landings at the harbour
Station : Madras Fisheries Harbour (1)
Date : 04 July 2024
Sl No Resource Landings Price(Rs/kg)
Max. Min.
1 Barracuda 90000 150 100
2 Lizardfish 153000 125 100
3 Scads 990000 100 50
4 Mackerel 171000 200 150
5 Ribbonfish 121500 175 100
Total Landings at the harbour
Station : Madras Fisheries Harbour (2)
Date : 27 June 2024
Sl No Resource Landings Price(Rs/kg)
Max. Min.
1 Frigate tuna 10400 150 100
2 Scads 6400 200 150
3 Flyingfish 450 150 100
4 Dolphinfis 600 150 100
5 Hilsa 1200 35 20
Total Landings at the harbour
Station : Veraval, Gujarat
Date : 24 May 2024
Sl No Resource Landings Price(Rs/kg)
Max. Min.
1 Mackerel 221 80 40
2 Hilsa 208 1100 750
3 Pomfret 117 1200 600
4 Catfish 104 60 35
5 Croaker 91 70 40
Total Landings at the harbour
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