In vitro culture and characterisation of a new brain cell line from the spine cheek anemone fish Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790)
In this study, a new brain cell line designated PB1BrTr was derived from the maroon clownfish Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790) and characterised. The PB1BrTr cell line was developed by trypsinisation method using Leibovitz’s L15 (L-15) medium supplemented with 20% FBS (foetal bovine serum) and subcultured over 100 times. Characterisation encompassed studies on optimal growth kinetics, chromosomal analysis and genotyping of the mitochondrial CO1 gene. A high revival rate (85-95%) and good attachment during seeding after a year of cryostorage demonstrated the high stability of the cell line. This cell line exhibited good seeding efficiency of 84% at 1.25 x 105 cells ml-1 and a range of plating efficiencies from 14-23% at varying cell densities. It was observed that 28 degree C was the ideal temperature for its growth. Serum requirement decreased with increased passage and lowered to 2% FBS beyond 60 passages. However, higher serum concentration (2-20%) caused a concurrent increase in cell growth. The cell line displayed a fibroblast-type morphology, with immunotyping results revealing robust reactivity towards the fibroblast marker. Chromosome analysis of this cell line revealed aneuploidy and its authenticity was validated by mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I (COI) genotyping analysis. This brain cell line demonstrated notably high transfection efficiency with pcDNA3-EGFP plasmid using Lipofectamine 3000 transfection reagent. This continuous cell line presents a valuable in vitro tool for diverse research applications, including gene transfer and expression studies.
Optimizing captive seed production technology of fanged seabream, Sparidentex jamalensis Amir et al., 2014
Successful captive seed production of the recently identified sparid, Sparidentex jamalensis, is a significant achievement for its farming and conservation. In each breeding attempt, a male with oozing milt was paired with a female freshly implanted with an LHRH-a pellet (100 μg LHRH Kg−1 of fish). Oocyte diameter of the selected female was ranging from 420 to 470 μm. The pair was maintained in a rectangular fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) tank (3000 L) adequately aerated from a single point aeration. Over three consecutive days, the fish spawned in batches, commencing from 42 h after pellet implantation. The daily spawning fraction of this multiple spawner ranged from 0.179 to 1.123 million per female. Among 18 attempts, successful spawnings were observed in 12 (66.7%) instances. Fertilisation rates ranged between 82 and 88%, with hatching percentages varying from 76 to 84%. The embryonic developmental phase spanned 17 to 22 h. At the pre-flexion stage [13 days post hatch (dph)], larvae measured up to 4.2 ± 0.18 mm, with notochord flexion initiating on 15 dph (8.45 ± 1.2 mm), accompanied by marked development in dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. Completion of fin ray formation and initiation of scale and lateral line development commenced on 30 dph (21.1 ± 0.3 mm) indicating the metamorphosis of larvae to juveniles. By 40 dph (28.46 ± 3.8 mm), the advance juvenile displayed fully formed fins, silvery scales and a distinct lateral line. Rapid developments in total length, body girth, mouth opening, and eye diameter were particularly noticeable as flexion development neared completion (15 dph). During larval rearing, three critical phases were observed: the period from mouth opening to first feeding (3 to 5 dph), the weaning period (25 to 30 dph), and the metamorphosis phase (35 to 40 dph), each exhibiting distinct mortality patterns. Initial swim bladder inflation was observed before 13 dph (4.2 ± 0.18 mm). Co-feeding copepod nauplii and rotifer (3 numbers mL−1 each) emerged as the ideal feeding strategy during the initial phase, significantly enhancing survival rates. The final larval survival at the end of metamorphosis on 40 dph ranged between 3.8 and 6.2%. Notably, natural light exposure, with a diurnal variation from 1000 to 4000 lx near the water surface, played a pivotal role in improving the initial larval survival.
Mated Shiny bird squid, Ornithoteuthis volatilis Sasaki, 1915 (Cephalopoda:Ommastrephidae), in the southeastern Arabian Sea
Shiny bird squid is a nerito-oceanic species of squid distributed in the Indo-West Pacific oceans. Two individuals of female Shiny bird squid, Ornithoteuthis volatilis, from the Arabian Sea collected by trawl catch are reported. The dorsal mantle length of the individuals was 148 mm and 76 mm, with a body weight of 46 g and 28 g, respectively. The maturing female had 13 implanted spermatangium, located on the aboral surface of the third left arm. The length of the implanted spermatangium ranged from 1.10 to 1.38 mm. The current study proposes additional research to better understand the species population and fisheries potential in the Arabian Sea.
Mapping of marketing channels and price ranges of commercially important finfish species in the coastal districts of West Bengal, India
This study was conducted to map the marketing channels and price ranges of some commercially important marine finfish species in two coastal districts of West Bengal. Nine commercially important marine finfish species were investigated. Different nodes were found to be involved in the marketing channel depending on the commercial value of the species, and a large gap was observed between the price in the retail market and the price received by the primary fisher. A large number of stakeholders are involved and find employment in the fish marketing chain as fishers, assemblers, processors, traders, wholesalers, retailers, transporters and loading and unloading workers. The price range of Bombay duck (Harpadon nephereus) was Rs. 25-50/kg at the auction centre level to Rs. 300-500/kg at the level of retailers in distant markets. For Silver pomfret (Pampus griseus), the price range had large fluctuations with Rs. 150-1000/kg at the auction centre level itself. When the commodity reaches the retailers in the distant markets, the price range was Rs. 350 to 1300/kg. The marketing chain for the flow of Orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was narrow with the nodes such as commission agents, assemblers, wholesalers and retailers, who play a major role in distributing the landings from the auction centre to domestic consumers. Processing and export nodes were not to be found. The price range was Rs. 200- 300/kg at the auction centre level to Rs. 400-500/kg at the retailer level in distant markets. The investigation exposed the range of actors required to bring the product from the landing centre through the different phases of distribution and delivery to final consumers. The value chain approach will be useful for the key actors such as fishers, managers and policymakers to streamline their operations cost-effectively, for increased earnings of the value chain actors and notable impacts on credit repayment.
Sequential development of histopathological manifestations in response to experimental infection of Vibrio alginolyticus in Asian Seabass
Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), an important species for mariculture in the Asia-Pacific region, has been threatened by various infectious diseases hampering the profitability of its aquaculture. Vibriosis is the most common disease leading to considerable mortality and economic loss. Recent studies revealed that Vibrio alginolyticus is one of the most common species that causes vibriosis in farmed aquatic animals, including L. calcarifer. Despite our understanding of the aetiology, there is little information on the subsequent histological changes following experimental infection in fish. The present study fills this gap by investigating the sequential histopathological alterations in Asian seabass post intraperitoneal injection with V. alginolyticus. Significant organ changes were seen in the spleen, kidneys, liver, and to a lesser extent, the gills. The findings revealed an initial latency before major tissue responses occurred, with the kidney exhibiting the earliest and most severe changes. The spleen and liver also showed substantial alterations, while the gills showed minor changes. Experimental V. alginolyticus infection resulted in 90-95% mortality within 24-48 hours post-challenge. Our findings contribute to a more thorough understanding of histological changes in Asian seabass during V. alginolyticus infection, highlighting the importance of disease progression, and mitigation measures.
Growth trends during life stages in the Arabian Sea middle-sized form Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the Western Indian Ocean
The Arabian Sea middle-sized form (ASM) of the purpleback flying squid, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis differs genetically from the other three morphotypes of the species from this region. Statolith microstructure analysis was used to investigate the age and growth of typical ASM squid. The number of increments in the statolith of the ASM form ranged from 38 to 156 which, assuming a daily periodicity of increment deposition, equates to a short lifespan. The growth rate varied between 0.12 and 2.1?mm of dorsal mantle length (DML) per day. Age-DML and age-body-weight data were best fitted with linear and power models respectively. The paralarval phase of S. oualaniensis in the Arabian Sea was about two months. Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis matured rapidly, some within 100 days. Median age at first maturity was 115 days at a size of 115?mm for males and 118 days at a size of 156?mm for females. The back-calculation of hatching dates of the ASM form indicated that spawning takes place throughout the year with a peak in November. The ASM form in the southern Arabian Sea may be an early maturing group, while squids in the Northwest Indian Ocean may be a late maturing group
Occurrence of deep-water spider crab Paramaya mulli Ng, Prema & Ravichandran, 2018 from the Southwest coast of India
This study documents the occurrence of deep-water spider crab, Paramaya mulli, along the Southwest coast of India. Initially described in 2018 from Tamil Nadu on the east coast, this species was subsequently noted in 2020 in Gujarat on the west coast. The specimen was retrieved from by-catch discarded by commercial fishing trawlers at Sakthikulangara fishing harbour off Kollam, Kerala. Identification as Paramaya mulli was established through a combination of morphological and molecular data. Both 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences from the current specimen were compared with the NCBI sequences of previously identified specimens. Phylogenetic analysis, using mitochondrial gene sequences (16S: OQ456467, OQ456468) from the present specimen and sequences obtained from NCBI GenBank, was conducted to elucidate the relationships of genus Paramaya.
First record of the rare deep-sea shark, Scymnodon ichiharai Yano and Tanaka, 1984 (Squaliformes: Somniosidae) from Andaman Waters, India
The Japanese velvet dogfish Scymnodon ichiharai Yano and Tanaka 1984 (Somniosidae) is a rare deep-sea shark hitherto known only from the northwest Pacific Ocean. This species is observed for the first time from the northern Indian Ocean. Two male specimens with total length (TL) of 760 mm, and 323 mm were caught by longline hook in the commercial motorized longline boat fishery at a depth of 400 m off Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India. We provide morphological descriptions of S. ichiharai from India in comparison with formerly identified specimens along with DNA barcodes from this region. The capture of this species in the northern Indian Ocean is a considerable biogeographic range extension and confirms the first record of S. ichiharai from the Indian EEZ.
Stock Assessment of Exploited Populations of Shovel-Nosed Lobster Thenus unimaculatus (Scyllaridae, Burton and Davie, 2007) Along the Indian Coast Using Length-Based Approaches
This manuscript presents a detailed investigation into the stock status of Thenus unimaculatus, a commercially valuable lobster species in India. In data-poor fisheries, Bayesian approach offers robust guidance for sustainable sand lobster population management. Utilizing a non-conventional Bayesian approach, the study employed length-based Bayesian biomass (LBB) and length-based Spawning Potential Ratio (LB-SPR) methods to analyze length frequency data collected between 2011 and 2019. In our study using LBB, the current exploited biomass (B/B0 = 0.35) was found to be lower than the biomass capable of producing maximum sustainable yield (B/BMSY=0.93). Spawning potential ratio was calculated between 28 and 37% using LB-SPR model. The fishing mortality (F/M = 1.5) was slightly above optimal, resulting in low sand lobster biomass due to moderate over-exploitation. This suggests a need for rational slipper lobster catch control. However, with an Lm50/Lc50 ratio close to 1.0, indicates an absence of targeted juvenile fishery, it suggest the need to reduce fishing pressure. . However, implementing measures is challenging because the species forms a by-catch in trawl fisheries.
Integrating marine citizen science with traditional research: a case study on Solenocera choprai distribution and growth in the Southeastern Arabian Sea
The use of ‘Citizen Science’ in marine fisheries research has facilitated public participation in natural resource management, resource conservation, environmental preservation, and decision-making worldwide. The potential of a ‘Marine Citizen Science’ platform, incorporating expertise and data provided by innovative, well-trained commercial fisherman organizations, rekindles a feasible opportunity for academics to monitor the fishery with low financial investment. The current study demonstrates the value of combining geo-tagged ‘Citizen Science data’ on the Solenocera choprai fishery with traditional landing data to illustrate its significant potential for obtaining extensive spatial information on the resource. Growth data derived from the traditional von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) were compared with in situ mode shifting in the natural fishing ground, using this data for support. The current study concludes that a well-organized scientific research program that incorporates ‘Citizen Science’ data analysis can pave the way for extensive research in marine fishery resources and fishing grounds that have been put on hold due to a lack of financing.
Investigation on the distribution dynamics of kiddi prawn, Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) along southwest coast of India, using multi-dimensional approach
Along India's southwest coast, the kiddi prawn (Parapenaeopsis stylifera) supports a substantial fishery, known as "karikady fishery" due to its high demand in domestic and international markets. Following implementing "mechanised fishing prohibition," catch fluctuations observed in P. stylifera catches sparked widespread social unrest among stakeholders, who feared that unharvested prawns would be lost to the fishery when these prawns moved away from the coast during the monsoon season. The study derived scientific evidence for to distributional idiosyncrasy of the species with spatial distribution tracking, understanding the correlation of species movement and maturity with environmental parameters, and tracking the individual cohorts through population parameter analysis. Data for the study were collected from commercial vessels, experimental surveys, and analyses was supported by GIS software and SPSS foftware. 18 cruises in the RV Silver Pompano and 3 cruises in RV Matsyakumari at five depths (10, 30, 50, 70, 90 m) were conducted during 2016–2019 off Kerala, southwest coast of India and, and a spatial analysis of the experimental trawling data contributed to evaluating the impact of the environment on the distribution of the species. The study revealed that increased salinity has a statistically significant impact on the expansion of the species, as indicated by geographical data. P. stylifera prefers to settle in areas with high salinity and low temperatures, according to geographical studies. This study not only established that the perception that species migrate away from the coast is rational, but it also established that there is no resource loss as a result of the 'Monsoon trawl ban,' because current fishing methods are capable of catching the larger prawns that have migrated to deeper waters. The study reaffirmed the usefulness of "monsoon trawl ban" in ensuring the long-term viability of the "karikadi" fishery along the southwest coast by assisting in species recruitment during the monsoon season.
Unraveling the spawning and reproductive patterns of tomato hind grouper, Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes, 1828) from south Kerala waters
The objective of this study is to provide information on the reproductive biology of tomato hind grouper, Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes, 1828) for conservation and management purposes. Fish caught by artisanal fishermen from September 2019 to August 2021 were analysed. A total of 280 females, 31 males, and 4 transitional and 178 sex-undetermined fish were analysed. The female to male sex proportion was 9:1, and the fish reached a maximum total body length of 38.5 and 54.5 cm for females and males, respectively. The following microscopic stages were identified: immature, developing, ripe, running ripe/releasing, and spent in both males and females. Several asynchronous development patterns were observed in the studied gonads, including multiple oocyte stages and early and advanced stages of sexual transition. High gonadosomatic index (GSI) for both males and females was recorded in March, May, and November. Running ripe and releasing stages in females were identified in the months from March to June, which indicates the spawning season. The absolute and relative fecundity of the species ranged from 162,723 ± 207,267 and 239 ± 285, respectively. An exponential relationship was found between fecundity and total body length (TL), fecundity and total body weight (TW), and fecundity and gonad weight (GW).
Histological Authentication of Reproductive Structures of Little Indian Squid Loliolus (Loliolus) hardwickei, Grey, 1849 (Cephalopoda: loliginidae)
The work deals with the oogenesis, spermatogenesis and associated reproductive structures of the little Indian squid Loliolus (Loliolus) hardwickei. Histological descriptions of the ovary, oviduct, testis and needham sac were made, the various changes observed during maturation were described and the functional significance was discussed. The female reproductive system consists of the ovary, glandular oviduct, lace-like oviducal funnel, paired nidamental gland, accessory nidamental glands and a seminal receptacle for sperm storage on the ventral side of the buccal cavity. The average size of the cells of the ovary varied from 7.635±3.466 µm (primary oogonia) to 1191.114±288.188µm (Ripe oocyte). Oocyte resorption or the presence of atretic oocytes was observed in some sections. The male reproductive system consists of the testis, vas deferens, spermatophoric organ, spermduct, the system of spermatophoric glands (SG) and spermatophoric sac (Needham sac) and penis. The spermatogenesis passed through the differentiation of primodial germ cells, primary and secondary spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, rounded spermatids, and elongated spermatids to spermatozoa or sperms. The testis is connected to a thin-walled Needham sac by the spermatophoric duct. The testis is made up of numerous seminiferous tubules and is enveloped by tunica albuginea made up of connective tissue. Histological authentication of reproductive structures in L(L) hardwickei serves the specific purpose of providing a detailed understanding of the species' reproductive biology, which has implications for ecological, environmental, and conservation management efforts.
Comparative Osteology Study of Ariid Catfishes along the Coast of Gulf of Mannar and Wadge Bank, Tamil Nadu
Taxonomic ambiguity still exists in ariid catfish species identification. Morphological similarities occur in ariid catfishes which lead to misidentification of the species. To overcome this taxonomic ambiguity osteology is one of the effective integrated taxonomic tools for species discrimination. From this study, we provide an osteotaxonomic key for the field identification of ariid catfish species.The present paper deals with a comparative study of the five Ariidae family species discussed, they are Arius arius (Hamilton, 1822), Plicofollis layardi (Gunther, 1866), Netuma thalassina (Ruppell, 1837), Nemapteryx caelata (Valenciennes, 1840) and Osteogeneiosus militaris (Linnaeus, 1758). The osteological portions used for this study like premaxillary, dentary, neurocranium, otolith, vertebral and caudal bone. The aforementioned osteological portions made the important primitive characters that will be used to differentiate the species.
Photoprotective sulfated mannogalactan from heterotrophic Bacillus velezensis blocks UV-A mediated matrix metalloproteinase expression and nuclear DNA damage in human dermal fibroblast.
Prolonged exposure of human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) to ultraviolet (UV) radiation triggers the production of reactive oxygen species by upregulating the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), causing type-I collagen degradation and photoaging. A sulfated (1 → 3)/(1 → 4) mannogalactan exopolysaccharide (BVP-2) characterized as [→3)-α-Galp-{(1 → 4)-α-6-O-SO3-Manp}-(1 → 3)-α-6-O-SO3-Galp-(1→] was isolated from seaweed-associated heterotrophic bacterium Bacillus velezensis MTCC13097. Whole genome analysis of B. velezensis MTCC13097 (Accession number JAKYLL000000000) revealed saccharine biosynthetic gene clusters for exopolysaccharide production. BVP-2 administered cells showed noteworthy reduction in mitochondrial superoxide (∼85 %, p < 0.05) and ROS production (62 %) than those exhibited by UV-A irradiated HDF cells. Oxidative imbalance in HDF cells (after UV-A exposure) was recovered with BVP-2 treatment by significantly downregulating nitric oxide (NO) production (98.6 μM/mL, 1.9-fold) and DNA damage (?67 %) in comparison with UV-A induced cells (191.8 μM/mL and 98.7 %, respectively). UV-irradiated HDF cells showed a ∼30-50 % downregulation in the expression of MMPs (1, 2, and 9) following treatment with BVP-2. Considerable amount of sulfation (18 %) along with (1 → 3)/(1 → 4) glycosidic linkages in BVP-2 could be pivotal factors for down-regulation of the intracellular MMP-1, which was further supported by molecular docking and structure-activity studies. The (1 → 3)/(1 → 4)-linked bacterial exopolysaccharide (BVP-2) might be used as prospective natural lead to attenuate and mitigate UV-A-induced photoaging.
Integrative taxonomic study on needlefishes (Belonidae) unveils two new species within the genus Ablennes from the Indian Ocean.
The needlefish genus Ablennes remains monotypic, characterized by the globally distributed flat needlefish known as Ablennes hians. Their taxonomy has been mired with ambiguities due to the greater-than-average morphological variations observed in samples from different regions. Utilizing integrated taxonomic methods relying on mitochondrial molecular markers, it was revealed that the species initially perceived as a single entity is, in fact, a complex comprising at least three different species. In this context, we introduce two new species: Ablennes joseberchmansis sp. nov. and Ablennes gracalii sp. nov., They are morphologically distinct: in view of the morphometry and meristic characteristics. A. joseberchmansis sp. nov. and A. gracalii sp. nov. display distinct differentiation characteristics from A. hians in terms of dorsal fin, nostril position, dorsal fin origin, vertebrae count, scale counts, head length, eye diameter, interorbital width, maxilla length, dorsal ray height, depth at pelvic origin, lower lobe of the caudal fin, and caudal peduncle depthcaudal peduncle depth. These variations highlight their unique morphological traits and aid in their differentiation within the genus Ablennes. We assessed genetic relationships using a Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree, revealing three distinct clades of morphological differences in Ablennes specimens from different morphological groups. The genetic variation, as represented by Kimura 2 parameter (K2P) distances, within the three Ablennes species spans from 6.5% to 9.4%. More specifically, we observed a 7.5% genetic difference between A. hians and A. joseberchmansis sp. nov., and a 6.5% distinction between A. hians and A. gracalii sp. nov. The interspecies divergence between the two newly identified species measured at 9.4%. These findings, which showcase the genetic distinctions among the three morphologically distinct Ablennes specimens, provide strong confirmation for the existence of three separate species within the Ablennes genus of needlefish in the Indian Ocean.
Food and feeding strategies of the green tiger shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan, 1844, in southeastern India
Observations and analysis of the food and feeding habits of penaeid shrimp are decisive for understanding food webs and ecological processes. Published information on the feeding habits of the green shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatusDe Haan, 1844, from Indian waters, however, dates back four decades, despite the fact that green tiger shrimp is one of the important shrimp species that forms a unique fishery in Palk Bay, on the southeastern India. Hence, its dietary preferences were analysed concerning sex, season, gonad maturity, and size. The species preyed on were composed of diversified components, with mollusc remains being the most common food item in females, followed by crustacean remains, whereas in males, the crustacean remains were the most common food items followed by mollusc remains. There was no significant difference in the gastrosomatic index of females and gonadal maturity stages among seasons, but a significant difference among size groups. In males, there was no significant difference among seasons, gonadal maturity, and size groups. Females were more active feeders than males, and the difference could be seen in their size groups. Larger groups fed more actively than smaller groups. Feeding was more active in the post-monsoon and summer monsoon seasons. Penaeus semisulcatus dominates the ecosystem among the shrimp species due to its carnivorous behaviour. The observations made in this study form key inputs for trophic modelling and ecosystem-based studies, which could help develop suitable strategies for managing the shrimp resource in Palk Bay.
In vitro and in silico analysis unravelled clinically desirable attributes of Bacillus altitudinis L-asparaginase
Marine bacterial strains (number = 105) isolated from marine crabs were evaluated through a stepwise strategy incorporating the crucial attributes for therapeutic safety. The results demonstrated the potential of eight bacterial species for extracellular L-asparaginase production. However, only one isolate (Bacillus altitudinis CMFRI/Bal-2) showed clinically desirable attributes, viz. extracellular production, type-II nature, lack of concurrent L-glutaminase and urease activities, and presence of ansZ (functional gene for clinical type). The enzyme production was 22.55 ± 0.5 µM/mg protein/min within 24 h without optimization. The enzyme also showed good activity and stability in pH 7–8 and temperature 37°C, predicting the functioning inside the human body. The Michealis-Menten constant (Km) was 14.75 µM. Detailed in silico analysis based on functional gene authenticating the results of in vitro characterization and predicted the nonallergenic characteristic of the candidate. Docking results proved the higher affinity of the shortlisted candidate to L-asparagine than L-glutamine and urea.
Multiple ocean parameter-based potential fishing zone (PFZ) location generation and validation in the Western Bay of Bengal.
A new conceptual framework based on satellite data, including chlorophyll (CHL), sea surface temperature (SST) fronts, relative winds, current vectors, Ekman transport, and eddies, has been developed to identify potential fishing zones (PFZ) in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). The framework aims to provide persistent forecasts, even under cloudy conditions, based on feature propagation. The validation of the PFZ was carried out using fish catch data collected by the Fishery Survey of India (FSI) between 2016 and 2018. Hooking rates (HR) from longlines and catch per unit effort (CPUE) from trawl nets were used to analyse the data points in hook rate categories (1.0–3.0 and > 3.0) and CPUE categories (50–100 kg and > 100 kg) and interpret them with the PFZ maps. The analysis showed that the high fish catch locations were consistent with persisting features in the BoB, such as high chlorophyll patches, SST fronts, and cyclonic eddies. The high fish catch locations based on hook rate and high CPUE were found to be collocated with the high chlorophyll persisting features and thermal gradients in the BoB. The regression analysis shows that availability of the food (CHL) had the strongest correlation with fish catch, followed by the comfort condition (fronts and eddies).
Opportunities and challenges in value chain analysis for sustainable management of sharks and rays
Studies on elasmobranch trade have often focused on a single commodity, shark fins. Such a narrow focus can result in an incomplete understanding of the socio-cultural importance of sharks, limiting discussion on the range and efficacy of potential management interventions. Assessments must be performed across the value chain from fisher to retail vendor to better conserve vulnerable elasmobranch species, offering a broader view of capture, use, and trade. Here, we collate insights from shark value chain assessments conducted in eight countries (Mexico, Peru, Guinea-Bissau, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Fiji) spanning five continents. Approaches and processes implemented in a shark value chain analysis (VCA) were reviewed to: (1) understand better approaches and tools and (2) collate shared experiences. Our results demonstrate that VCAs broaden the outlook of fishery and trade assessments when capturing a more comprehensive range of economic and socio-cultural aspects (e.g., livelihoods, cultural use of commodities) of trade in all shark commodities. Time invested in various components of assessments produced different outcomes, with considerable returns from stakeholder selection, survey design, and assessor/stakeholder relationship building. Contrastingly, results demonstrated that efforts in communication with stakeholder groups and policymakers could be further streamlined to focus on key results using a variety of communication formats. Outcomes from this study offer guidance to those embarking on shark VCAs, facilitating improving the assessment process and outcomes.
Population genetic structure of Randall’s threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli in Indian waters based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences
Nemipterus randalli, commonly known as Randall’s threadfin bream, is a commercially important marine finfish. Understanding its genetic structure is critical to effective management and conservation efforts. Previous investigations on population structure in this species were limited by geographic coverage. In this study, we utilized the mitochondrial Cytochrome b gene and nuclear Ribosomal protein gene intron Rp S7 sequences to investigate the population genetic structure, demography and genetic diversity of N. randalli along Indian waters. Our results revealed high haplotype diversity but low nucleotide diversity. AMOVA revealed that the variation among the population was highly significant. Hierarchical AMOVA provided further evidence of significant genetic differentiation between the west and east coasts, which was corroborated by the Bayesian tree and the median-joining network diagram. The mtDNA sequences revealed significant genetic structure between populations based on fixation index analysis following the isolation-by-distance model. Furthermore, the neutrality test and mismatch analysis suggest that N. randalli populations may have experienced a population expansion. However, nuclear marker RpS7, showed a high level of polymorphism, which obscured the population structuring observed with the mitochondrial marker. Consequently, concordant results were not obtained when comparing the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. The strong genetic differentiation between the east and west coast observed using mitochondrial marker could be attributed to a combination of geographic and environmental factors. These findings lay the groundwork for developing effective conservation and management strategies for N. randalli, considering its genetic structure.
Cage aquaculture of Indian pompano for livelihood diversification of artisanal fishers: Insights from Andhra Pradesh, India
Artisanal fishers fishing in nearshore coastal waters off Visakhapatnam using motorised crafts and in estuaries of Krishna using non-motorised crafts were selected for the study. Their annual net operating income varied between US$ 469.63 (?39,040) and US$ 2698.42 (?2,24,320), respectively. Inspired by the potential of cage farming from the frontline demonstrations in marine and estuarine waters and after acquiring appropriate skills, 15 individuals from the Traditional Fishermen’s Co-operative Society, Visakhapatnam and 76 individuals from Yanadri Girijana Matsya Sakhara Sangam, Krishna embarked on cage aquaculture of Indian pompano in 15 and 70 cages, respectively. Marine cages were circular (6 m diameter) and estuarine cages were square (5 m X 5 m), and were stocked with hatchery-produced Indian pompano (Trachinotus mookalee) fingerlings of 22.6 g weight @ 2500 and 1500 numbers respectively, and were fed with floating pellets at 8-3% of biomass. Average body weight, survival and biomass production from marine and estuarine cages after eight months of culture were 843 and 666 g, 96.28 and 91.47% and 2029.0 and 913.85 kg respectively. Deducting all capital and operational expenses, annual net operating income per unit ranged from US$ 1247.44 (?1,03,700) to US$ 2632.02 (?2,18,800); which represented a substantial increase from that of capture fishery. Cluster-cage farming, as adopted, did not adversely impact the water and sediment quality. The current research offers novel insights into the bio-growth and economic factors pertinent to commercial cage farming of Indian pompano. Cage farming in marine and estuarine conditions holds a great promise as an alternative source of livelihood for artisanal fishers, thereby bolstering their economic sustainability.
Insights into reproductive dynamics and feeding biology of Sphyraena putnamae Jordan and Seale, 1905 exploited in the Indian EEZ
The sawtooth barracuda Sphyraena putnamae, widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region, is one of the commercially important barracuda species exploited by trawls in the Indian EEZ. The present study examined 2,135 S. putnamae collected during 2014-2020 from different fish landing centres along the Indian coast, to elucidate their reproductive and feeding behaviour. The fork length of sampled females and males varied from 12.5 to 130.9 cm and 16.5 to 90.0 cm respectively. Negative allometric growth was observed with a significant difference (p<0.05) between the sexes. The observed sex ratio (Female:Male) was 1.23:1, indicating the dominance of females. Size at sexual maturity for females and males were estimated at 55.3 and 45.4 cm fork length respectively. The higher proportion of spawning capable individuals and higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) values in females observed during March to May and November-December revealed the bimodal and protracted spawning nature of this species. Absolute fecundity increased with fork length and weight and varied from 70,080 to 10,18,068 oocytes with an average of 3,16,568 oocytes. The stomach vacuity index of females and males was 49.09 and 47.92% respectively. Fifty-nine prey items were identified in the diet, with a predominance of fishes confirming S. putnamae has a piscivorous feeding behaviour.
Mechanistic insights into the early life stage microbiota of silver pompano
Deep investigations of host-associated microbiota can illuminate microbe-based solutions to improve production in an unprecedented manner. The poor larval survival represents the critical bottleneck in sustainable marine aquaculture practices. However, little is known about the microbiota profiles and their governing eco-evolutionary processes of the early life stages of marine teleost, impeding the development of suitable beneficial microbial management strategies. The study provides first-hand mechanistic insights into microbiota and its governing eco-evolutionary processes in early life stages of a tropical marine teleost model, Trachinotus blochii.
Mitogenomic profiling of Marcia recens (Holten, 1802): a step towards taxonomic resolution of India's Ashtamudi short-neck clam
The Ashtamudi short-neck clam forms a significant fishery resource holding India’s first Marine Stewardship Council Certification. The taxonomic classification of this particular clam has engendered debate regarding its proper nomenclature. The present study aims to provide its first comprehensive mitogenome profile from the type locality to address the existing taxonomic ambiguity. The mitogenome assembled using the genome skimming method had 17,991 base-pair length with 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, 2 ribosomal RNAs and control region. Phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated data set of PCGs and rRNAs from 47 representative species of Veneridae grouped all species including short-neck clams from the subfamily Tapetinae into a single clade. This analysis also revealed the polyphyly of the genus Marcia. Nevertheless, the short-neck clam co-clustered with Marcia recens from Chinese waters.
Morphometry and biology of the Saddle grunt, Pomadasys maculatus, (Bloch,1793) recorded from the Southeast Arabian Sea
Studies on Pomadasys maculatus collected from the southwest coast of India showed fishes in the length range 130-197 mm with a mean standard length of 139.41 mm and body weight of 79.09 g. The growth pattern observed was isometric. P. maculatus shows no sexual dimorphism. Since there is no recent information on the morphometric and meristic characteristics of P. maculatus from India, the present study is expected to add more knowledge to the species.
Fishery and reproductive biology of the spotted sardinella, Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum, 1972) exploited along the southern coast of India
The study focused on the fishery and biological aspects of the spotted sardinella Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum, 1972) exploited along the southern coast of India from 2015 to 2020. The summary of the fishery reveals noticeable annual fluctuations in landing, with peak landings reported from November to March along the coast. The study included fish with total length (TL) ranging from 149 to 208 mm in males and 152 to 217 mm in females. The peak in gonadosomatic Index (GSI) in January indicates its spawning season, and Lm50 was estimated at 172 mm TL in females. The sex ratio (F: M) was determined at 1:1.2, with males dominating most months. Fecundity ranged from 11632 to 43200 eggs per spawning. Five stages of maturity in A. sirm were identified through external analysis of gonads. Seven histological ovarian stages of A.sirm were recorded, providing a primary reference for future studies. These findings aim to assist fishery managers and policymakers in adopting effective management practices for the sustainable harvesting of this resource.
De novo transcriptome for Chiloscyllium griseum, a long-tail carpet shark of the Indian waters
Sharks have thrived in the oceans for 400 million years, experienced five extinctions and evolved into today’s apex predators. However, enormous genome size, poor karyotyping and limited tissue sampling options are the bottlenecks in shark research. Sharks of the family Orectolobiformes act as model species in transcriptome research with exceptionally high reproductive fecundity, catch prominence and oviparity. The present study illustrates a de novo transcriptome for an adult grey bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium griseum (Chondrichthyes; Hemiscyllidae) using paired-end RNA sequencing. Around 150 million short Illumina reads were obtained from five different tissues and assembled using the Trinity assembler. 70,647 hits on Uniprot by BLASTX was obtained after the transcriptome annotation. The data generated serve as a basis for transcriptome-based population genetic studies and open up new avenues in the field of comparative transcriptomics and conservation biology.
Energy efficiency and economics of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in India: A VIKOR based multicriteria decision-making model for sustainable fisheries management
The present study addresses the crucial sustainability concerns in small-scale fisheries (SSF) against the backdrop of escalating anthropogenic activities and climate change impacts on marine fishery and ecosystems. Our study focused on a traditional fishery exploitation area spanning 12,646.12 km2 along the Southwestern Coast of Kerala, India, and explored four widely used fishing gears. We established an integrated decision-making VIKOR framework, and preferential modelling by incorporating techno-economic and environmental aspects to draw the optimal solutions. Leveraging 10 sustainability indicators, the boat seine emerged as the most sustainable gear, showcasing significant profitability (US$ 16,126/year−1 net profit) and remarkable energy efficiency, surpassing gillnetters, longliners, and shore seiners by 8.4, 4.9, and 3.0 times, respectively. The Fuel Use Intensity (FUI) and CO2 emissions analysis (F value = 58.37, P < 0.0001) emphasizes the ecological implications.
Assessment of marine fish stocks within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone: Status report 2022
Kumar, Rajan and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Muktha, M and Sasikumar, Geetha and Ganga, U and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Chellappan, Anulekshmi and Bhendekar, S N and Sukumaran, Sandhya and Thomas, Sujitha and Varghese, Eldho and Abdussamad, E M and Josileen, Jose and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Rahangdale, Shikha and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Remya, L and Akhilesh, K V and Chakraborty, Rekha D and Rajesh, K M and Najmudeen, T M and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Purushottama, G B and Kavitha, M and Vidya, R and Nakhawa, A D and Vinothkumar, R and Roul, Subal Kumar and Mahesh, V and Wilson, Livi and Divipala, Indira and Jasmin, F and Abdul Azeez, P and Surya, S and Koya, Mohammed and Manas, H M and Vase, Vinay Kumar and Rajkumar, M and Dineshbabu, A P and Sarada, P T and Venkatesan, V and Nair, Rekha J and Pradhan, Rajesh Kumar and Gomathi, P and Sunil Kumar, S Ali and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Laxmilatha, P and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Jayasankar, J and Gopalakrishnan, A (2024) Assessment of marine fish stocks within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone: Status report 2022. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 71 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0970 - 6011