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Human Resource Development Cell

The human resource development activities at ICAR-CMFRI are administered by the HRD Cell of the Institute. The day-to-day affairs ofthe Cell are being managed by a Committee consisting of a Nodal Officer and two Co-nodal Officers. The Institute offers unique opportunities for research and training to post-graduate (Masters and Doctoral) and Post-Doctoral Fellows and researchers in various streams of marine fisheries, mariculture and allied areas. The programs provide excellent opportunity for scholars and researchers to work in the emerging areas of research related to marine fisheries in their Post Graduate /Doctoral /Post-Doctoral programmes, guided by leading scientists of ICAR-CMFRI. The post-graduate programme of ICAR-CMFRI was first initiated in 1979 as part of the UNDP/FAO assisted programme for establishment of the Centre of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Mariculture. The MSc and PhD programmes offered as part of this pargramme was affiliated to the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). The programme was discontinued later when it was merged with the academic programmes offered by ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR-CIFE), Mumbai. The research and trainings are coordinated as per Institute guidelines, which are in full conformity with that of the Human Resource Management (HRM) unit of ICAR. The institute has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with various Agricultural Universities (AU) / Deemed to be Universities (DU) and Research Institutes to facilitate academic and research collaboration which include CUSAT, Mangalore University, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education(CIFE), Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), Madras University, University of Kerala, Madurai Kamaraj University, Andhra University, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and Alagappa University.
For more details about specific academic and training programmes as well as general guidelines related to them download the brochure below.


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