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Title : Marine Fish Stock Status of India, 2022
Authors : Sasikumar, Geetha and Ganga, U and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Chellappan, Anulekshmi and Muktha, M and Bhendekar, S N and Kumar, Rajan and Sukumaran, Sandhya
Year : 2023
Language : English
Pages : 22
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Abstract : India has a coastline of 8,118 km and an Exclusive Economic Zone of 2.02 million sq. km, which harbours 2,275 species of teleosts, 174 species of elasmobranchs, 3,400 species of molluscs, 2,783 species of crustaceans, 936 species of seaweeds, 14 species of seagrasses, 765 species of echinoderms and 486 sponges. Of these ~1000 species contribute to commercial fisheries and are harvested by nearly 30 fishing craft-gear combinations operating in various regions of the Indian seas. In 2022, the landing centre value of marine fisheries of mainland India was estimated at `58,247 crores, providing livelihood and nutritional security to over 28 million stakeholders.

Title : Age determination in fishes using hard parts: A practical handbook
Authors : Abdussamad, E M; Mini, K G; Geetha Sasikumar; Rekha Chakraborty, D; Retheesh, T B; Deepthi, N V; Abbas Mohammed A; Saji Kumar, K K; Akhil, A R and Prakasan, D
Year : 2019
Language : English
Pages : 80
Format : Book
ISBN : 978-93-82263-30-2
Price :
Abstract : Fisheries research is aimed at developing strategies for managing the resources for sustainability. Stock assessment is the tool employed in the determination of resources/ stock health status based on which management strategies are decided. Information on age of fishes is used in fish stock assessment models for the estimation of recruitment, growth and mortality parameters, which plays a fundamental role in the assessment of commercial marine fish resources. The conventional techniques used for estimating age of fishes involve tracing of modal progressions of length groups in the population through time. Age and related estimates for the same species by different workers with the help of the length frequency method has been found to be highly subjective. This necessitated validation of age estimates obtained by conventional means using a robust and dependable method. Findings on the formation of marks on the animal’s hard parts (calcified structures) on a regular and sometimes annual basis, formed the basis for the use of these structures for precise age determination in fishes. Recently, age information derived from calcified structures are in use for validating the age estimate obtained from other methods. The number of age validation studies has increased over the last several years following standardization and simplification of hard parts based ageing process. Considering the importance of this technique the process involved were compiled in this book for the benefit of researchers.

Title : Picture book on Marine Gastropods
Authors : Jagadis, I; Mohamed, K S; Venkatesan, V and Kavitha, M
Year : 2019
Language : English
Pages : 214
Format : Book
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Abstract : Gastropods includes snails, slugs and their relatives is a hyper diverse with respect to number of species, structure and habitat and many other attributes. Gastropods are characterised by having single shell and an operculum. Widely ranging in size, the shell has been modified enormously in many groups. A total of 80,000 to 100,000 mollusc species are known world over. About 3271 species of molluscs are found in India, of which 1900 marine species of gastropods are known to date. These resources are exploited by either mechanised trawlers, bottom set gillnets or by diving. Very few species forms a regular fishery and most of them are obtained in smaller magnitude making them unnoticed. While these resources are smaller in magnitude compared to other fisheries, they play an important role as raw materials for the multi-million dollar ‘SHELLCRAFT INDUSTRIES’ world over. In India, the resource is harvested in almost all the landing centres of both the coasts. In southeast coast of India, where the most part of landings of marine gastropods are occurring is considered a hub of shellcraft industry. A total of more than 250 species has been recorded and representing forty odd families in gastropods. The Federation of Sea Shell Handicrafts Merchants Association (FOSSHMA), estimates around 90 active seashell handicrafts traders in India, comprising of 20 very active, 30 minimal functioning and 40 dormant units. The major destinations of export is found to be the United States of America, Australia, Europe, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Africa, Malaysia, Belgium, Croatia, England, Haiti Island, Sri Lanka,France, Netherlands, Germany, South Africa etc. The major species exported are Conus sp, Umbonium sp, Chicoreus ramosus, Lambis lambis, Babylonia spirata, B. zeylanica, Telescopium sp, Terebralia sp, Tonna spp and Cerithium sp. Around 20-25 species are imported by shellcraft industries and the major species imported are Busycon sp, Haliotis sp, Cypraea tigris, Mitrella sp. The major importing countries includes USA, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, Philippines, Spain and other African countries. This picture book contains 165 photographs of seashells used in the Indian seashell industries clustered under the common name of the respective species along with vernacular (Tamil) names.

Title : Carangids of Indian seas An Illustrated Pocket Guide for Field Identification
Authors : Abdussamad, E M; Prathibha Rohit; Retheesh, T B; Habeeb Mohammed, O M M J; Jayabalan, K and Prakasan, D
Year : 2019
Language : English
Pages : 72
Format : Book
ISBN : 978-93-82263-29-6
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Abstract : Carangids are highly diverse group of fishes characterised by varying body shape and size. From Indian waters, 60 species under 20 genera were reported. Members exhibit variation in morphologic & meristic characteristic and colour pattern and even sexual dimorphism,which often leads to mis-identification. This manual was prepared using striking macro-taxonomic characters for field identification of 20 genera and 57 species. Wherever applicable, morphometric and colour changes with growth and also sexual dimorphism are illustrated with pictures.

Title : Culture Techniques of Marine Copepods
Authors : Santhosh B., Anil M. K., Muhammed Anzeer F., Aneesh K. S., Mijo V. Abraham, Gopakumar G., Rani Mary George, Gopalakrishnan A. and Unnikrishnan C.
Year : 2018
Language : English
Pages : 144
Format : Book
ISBN : 978-93-82263-23-4
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Abstract : Initiatives taken by ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute for the past two decades paved the way for successful farming of many species of marine food fishes and ornamental fishes in India. Availability of hatchery produced seed of cultivable species has been the major bottleneck in the development of the farming sector. To meet the demand for fish seed, research efforts were intensified on breeding and seed production at CMFRI. There have been major breakthroughs in breeding and seed production of cobia, silver pompano and a variety of ornamental fishes. But seed production of many other fishes like groupers, snappers, Indian pompano, anthias and damsels has been a problem because of the very small size of the newly hatched larvae and the consequent difficulties in initiating the first feeding of the larvae by the conventional live feeds employed in hatcheries. In this context, with an objective of finding out the suitable species of copepods as live feed, their effective production, harvest and utilization techniques, research activities have been intensified at Vizhinjam Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI. First feeding of fish larvae is the most difficult task in fish larval rearing. The newly hatched larvae of many species of marine fishes are very weak, without proper vision or body functions. Suitable live food is the most critical factor for their survival at this stage. An ideal live feed should be small, easily digestible, nutritionally rich and should be easily available for the larvae. In general, copepod nauplii have all these desirable qualities and in nature they are abundant and form the first food of many species of fishes. Certain fishes have their larvae evolutionarily adapted for feeding copepod nauplii. Reports have stated that the movement of copepod nauplii stimulates feeding instinct even in the weakest larvae. Copepods are nutritionally rich and do not require any enrichment. So copepod culture forms an essential component in marine fin fish hatchery for feeding the fish larvae.

Title : Prioritized Species for Mariculture in India
Authors : Ritesh Ranjan; Muktha, M, Shubhadeep Ghosh, A Gopalakrishnan, G Gopakumar, Imelda Joseph
Year : 2017
Language : English
Pages : 450
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ISBN : 978-93-82263-14-2
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Abstract : Mariculture holds tremendous potential for fulfilling the demand of fish, as a source of dietary protein in the country. Keeping this in hindsight, ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, for the past several years has been trying to transform the mariculture sector of the country. In India, the potential coastal water area available for mariculture includes about 8.9 million ha of inshore waters for open-sea farming and 1.7 million ha of estuaries, backwaters, brackishwater lakes and swamps. High valued finfishes, crustaceans, molluscs, seaweeds and other marine organisms, possessing high reproductive capacity, short larval development, fast rate of growth, and physiological features to adjust to wide changes in the environment are available in our coastal waters. A large number of unemployed and under-employed fishermen exists who could advantageously take up coastal aquaculture.

Title : കാലാവസ്ഥാ വ്യതിയാനവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് ഭാരതത്തിലെ കടൽ മത്സ്യത്തൊഴിലാളികൾ ആർജ്ജിച്ചെടുത്ത തദ്ദേശീയ സാങ്കേതിക ജ്ഞാനം (Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITKs’) of Indian Marine Fishermen with reference to Climate Change)
Authors : Swathi Lekshmi, P S; Dineshbabu, A P; Purushottama, G B; Thomas, Sujitha; Sasikumar, Geetha; Rohit, Prathibha; Vivekanandan, E and Zacharia, P U
Year : 2015
Language : Malayalam
Pages : 124
Format : Paperback
ISBN : 978-93-82263-08-1
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Abstract : The fisher folk of coastal India possess a rich repertoire of ancient knowledge and traditional wisdom with respect to various climate change related phenomena which they have made use of in their day to day fishing activities. This provides them, the rule of the thumb to be followed with respect to observed indicators or relationship with in events of climate change related inflections. These local fisher communities over centuries, have developed and implemented extensive mitigation and adaptation strategies that have enabled them reduce their vulnerability to past climate variability and change. However, the fact that this rich treasure house of indigenous wisdom which serves as a complement to modern scientific methods of adapting and mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change in fisheries has been largely ignored or rather receded into the mists of antiquity.

Title : Livelihood Status of Fishers in India
Authors : Sathiadhas, R et. al.
Year : 2014
Language : English
Pages : 311
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-93-82263-05-0
Price : Free
Abstract : Indian Fisheries and aquaculture is an important subsidiary of agriculture, providing employment, food and nutritional security particularly to the rural poor and better access to protein rich food for all. It is also contributing to the agricultural exports and engaging about fourteen million people in different activities. With diverse resources ranging from deep seas to lakes in the mountains and more than 10 per cent of the global biodiversity in terms of fish and shellfish species, the country has shown continuous and sustained increments in fish production since independence. With support of government initiatives and policies, various innovations by scientific community, support from private industries and companies, fishermen, farmers NGOs and self help groups, the sector has evolved from a modest, traditional and subsistence level to a sophisticated and modern enterprise. The country now occupies the third position in total world production and second in aquaculture production. ‘Fish for All forever’ necessitates the sustained development of the sector to cater nutritional needs of millions of people in future. India with water ranging from seas to cold hill streams and over 10 per cent of the fish biodiversity on earth has high scope for producing fish by utilizing the untapped potentials of inland and marine sector.

Title : The Indian Sacred Chank
Authors :
Year : 2014
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Pages :
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Price : Rs.800.00 (US$ 40.00)
Abstract :

Title : Tuna: Fishery, Biology and Management
Authors : Pillai, NGK and Satheeshkumar, P
Year : 2014
Language : English
Pages : 222
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-93-82263-04-3
Price : Rs. 600.00 ($ 40.00)
Abstract : The contents of the book is primarily based on information culled out from various reports on the subject, discussions with experts, stakeholders tuna processers and exporters and field visits. An attempt has also been made to study the impact of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon on the tuna production in Indian Ocean.

Title : Marine Mammal Species of India
Authors : Vivekanandan, E and Jeyabaskaran, R
Year : 2012
Language : English
Pages : 227
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-81-92327-15-0
Price : Rs. 600 (US $ 50)
Abstract : “Marine Mammal species of India” is packed with vital information on all the 26 species recorded in the Indian Seas. The authors have added separate maps indicating their distribution, glossary for scientific terminologies, information on their habitat, food, exploitation and threats and the conservation status of each of these species which makes the publication an indispensable reference book for all who are interested in understanding marine living resources of our planet. The history of stranding of whales for the last 150 years in different parts of the Indian coast has been traced.

Title : Methodologies for studying finfish and shellfish biology
Authors : Dineshbabu, A P,Sasikumar, Geetha...
Year : 2014
Language : English
Pages : 91
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-93-82263-03-6
Price : Rs.280.00 15$
Abstract : The handbook for carrying out existing methodologies right from estimation of fish catch at the landing centre to the analysis of biological aspects of finfishes, crustaceans and molluscs of Indian waters.

Title : Marine Fish Marketing in India
Authors : Sathiadhas, R,Narayanakumar, R and Aswathy, N
Year : 2012
Language : English
Pages : 276
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-81-901219-8-9
Price : Rs.400 25$
Abstract : Fish production highly depends on the growth and development of demand driven markets both in the domestic and export fronts. Our marine product export marketing system has achieved tremendous development over the years and to a greater extent on par with many developed nations in maintaining quality standards at international level. Further the export trade gained momentum through recent trade liberalisation measures which opened up opportunities for new markets and products meeting the quality standards in the international market.

Title : Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITKs’) of Indian Marine Fishermen with reference to Climate Change
Authors : SwathiLekshmi, P S, Dineshbabu, A P...
Year : 2013
Language : English
Pages : 124
Format : Paperback
ISBN : 978-81-923271-9-8
Price :
Abstract : The fisherfolk of coastal India possess a rich repertoire of ancient knowledge and traditional wisdom with respect to various climate change related phenomena which they have made use of in their day to day fishing activities. This provides them, the rule of the thumb to be followed with respect to observed indicators or relationship with in events of climate change related inflections.

Title : Field guide to the common marine molluscs of India
Authors : Mohan Joseph, M
Year : 2007
Language : English
Pages : 80
Format : Spiral bound
ISBN : 978-81-901219-5-8
Price : Rs.20 5$
Abstract : Sea shells have been a fascinating item for humans. Anybody visiting the beach would pick up a few beautiful seashells washed ashore and keep them as mementos. There are ardent collectors of seashells where collectors’ items of rare seashells are prized several thousands of dollars a piece. There are many exhaustive taxonomic accounts of seashells of the world. However in India, the lack of a handy guide for identification of local species has been a major lacuna in field studies. Since the Phylum Mollusca has many Classes of diverse animals, there has been no specialist who could venture in to preparation of an updated exhaustive taxonomic account of the whole Phylum

Title : Cage Aquaculture in India
Authors : Rao, G Syda, Imelda, Joseph
Year : 2013
Language : English
Pages : 240
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-81-923271-7-4
Price : Rs.640 50$
Abstract : The book divided in to 15 chapters covers a broad spectrum of aspects that need to be taken in to consideration for successful cage farming. The chapters encompass detailed accounts on site selection for installation of cages including environmental aspects; engineering aspects that have to be taken in to consideration in building cost-effective cages that could be sustained by fishing farming communities and small entrepreneurs; installation and maintenance of cages; grow-out farming practices for high value species such as seabass (Lates calcarifer), Cobia (Rachycentron canadurn), mullets (Mugil sps.), Pearlspot etc.

Title : Down memory lane
Authors : Mohan Joseph, M,Ramachandran, C...
Year : 2007
Language : English
Pages : 70
Format : Hardbound
Price : Rs.8 2$
Abstract : This is a tribute to all of you, the elders, who served CMFRI in various capacities in the past 60 years to make this institution a standing testimony to the devotion and dedication of the numerous scientists, technical and administrative staff who made this institution stand apart and shine amidst the best marine fisheries institutions in the world. Hats off to each one of you for what you have done for CMFRI, the fruits of which are here to stay.

Title : Handbook of Marine Prawns of India
Authors : Rao, G Sudhakara, Radhakrishnan...
Year : 2013
Language : English
Pages : 415
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-81-923002-1-4
Price : Rs.1600 100$
Abstract :

Title : Indian Fisheries: A Progressive Outlook
Authors : Vijayan, K K,Jayasankar, P and Vijayagopal, P, eds.
Year : 2007
Language : English
Pages : 213
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 978-81-901219-4-1
Price : Rs.160 10$
Abstract : The book deals on overall fisheries research, human resources, cost effective value added fishery products, captive breeding of marine fin-fish, government policies on its regulation, awareness programme about natural calamities confronting the challenges for world’s animal proteinse curity, through its 12 invited articles. The need for fish processing, importance of multidisciplinary approach for hatchery problems, health management, disease diagnostic kits, marine bioprospecting, nutritional enhancement, transgenic fishes etc. are extensively discussed. The impact of bottom sea trawling and the effect of fishing ban during monsoon along Kerala coast for regeneration of fishery resources are well analyzed in the present day context.

Title : Handbook of Prawns
Authors : Radhakrishnan, E V, Josileen...
Year : 2011
Language : English
Pages : 125
Format : Spiral bound
ISBN : 978-81-923271-6-7
Price : Rs.480 25$
Abstract : Fish production highly depends on the growth and development of demand driven markets both in the domestic and export fronts. Our marine product export marketing system has achieved tremendous development over the years and to a greater extent on par with many developed nations in maintaining quality standards at international level. Further the export trade gained momentum through recent trade liberalisation measures which opened up opportunities for new markets and products meeting the quality standards in the international market.

Title : Status and Perspectives in Marine Fisheries Research in India
Authors : Mohan Joseph, M and Pillai, N G K, eds.
Year : 2007
Language : English
Pages : 404
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 81-901219-6-0
Price : Rs.200 15$
Abstract : This Commemorative Volume titled Status and Perspectives in Marine Fisheries Research in India being brought out on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee Year contains 13 papers on marine fisheries. The book addresses aspects of status and perspectives in capture fisheries, biodiversity, stock assessment, mariculture, fishery environment, biotechnology, fishery economics and extension.

Title : Status of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources of India
Authors : Mohan Joseph, M and Jayaprakash, A A, eds.
Year : 2003
Language : English
Pages : 308
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 81-901219-3-6
Price : Rs.400 200$
Abstract : The marine fisheries sector in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth during the last five decades both quantitatively and qualitatively. The subsistence fisheries during the early 50’s produced about 0.5 million tonnes annually. Currently, the total production is about 2.7 million tonnes. This increase is the result of improvements in the harvesting methods, increase in the fishing effort and extension of fishing into relatively deeper regions. The increased effort over time and space is the consequence of ever-increasing demand for marine food both from external and internal markets. This phenomenal growth also brought in imbalances in the exploitation across

Title : Marine Fisheries Research and Management
Authors : Pillai, V N and Menon, N G, eds
Year : 2000
Language : English
Pages : 205
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 81-901219-0-1
Price : Rs.250 75$
Abstract : The subject matters broadly focus on pelagic, demersal, crustacean and molluscan capture fisheries, national fish wealth, the environments, the sensitive coastal ecosystems, mariculture of all fisheries and ancillary marine organisms, seaweeds and fisheries economics and extension.

Title : Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Management
Authors : Menon, N G and Pillai, C S G, eds.
Year : 1996
Language : English
Pages : 195
Format : Hardbound
Price : Rs.150 $30
Abstract : A management regime based on social acceptance, with the power of moral persuasion from within the group of participants, is the only way to manage widely dispersed resources which are shared by a multitude of small scale fishermen and various other users.

Title : Proceedings of the Symposium on Living Resources of the Seas around India
Authors : CMFRI, Kochi
Year : 1973
Language : English
Pages : 748
Format : Hardbound
Price : Rs. 45
Abstract : Proceedings of the Symposium on Living Resources of the Seas around India.

Title : Coastal Rural Indebtedness and Impact of Microfinance in Marine Fisheries Sector.
Authors : Vipinkumar, V P,Shyam, S Salim...
Year : 2013
Language : English
Pages : 118
Format : Ebook
ISBN : 978-81-92327-8-1
Price :
Abstract : The importance of the study in this regard was on the impact assessment of microfinance on rural indebtedness in marine fisheries sector as well as to assess the extent of indebtedness among marine fisherfolk in mechanized, motorized and traditional sectors and the role of credit agencies in providing credit.

Title : Management of Scombroid Fisheries
Authors : Pillai, N G K,Menon, N G,Pillai, P P and Ganga, U, eds.
Year : 2002
Language : English
Pages : 280
Format : Hardbound
ISBN : 81-901219-1-X
Price : Rs.150 $100
Abstract : The National Workshop on Scombroids organised and conducted by Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute at Kochi in September 2000 was intended to provide a common platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, industrialists and policy planners to discuss and debate our strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for exploration and exploitation of valuable scombroids like skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore, billfishes, seerfishes, mackerel etc. and to empower our capture fisheries subsector with more meaningful information and data support, besides identifying the information lacunae and prioritize areas of research needed.

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