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In order to provide access to the institute’s technologies and know how, the CMFRI organises following types of need based training programme for the benefit of farmers, researchers, academicians, administrators, students on various aspects of marine fisheries and mariculture.

  • Short course – 1-3 days duration
  • Intensive courses – 5-10 days duration
  • Training @ field - 2-5days duration
  • Summer/Winter schools - 21 days duration

Training programme on  Breeding seed production and farming of maze rabbit fish, Siganus vermiculatus

A training program on “Breeding, Seed Production, and Farming of Maze Rabbit Fish (Siganus vermiculatus)” will be conducted under the financial assistance of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, as part of the AINP-Mariculture Project for 2024-25. The program aims to train participants in critical marine finfish hatchery technologies, including brooder selection, maturity assessment, tagging protocols, induced breeding, live-feed culture (microalgae, rotifers, copepods), larviculture, nursery rearing, and cage-based grow-out farming, with a field trip to a marine cage farm. Open to entrepreneurs, academicians, researchers, hatchery technicians, and state government officials, the seven-day training, from 6th to 12th January 2025, will select 15 participants on a first-come, first-served basis. For more details download brochure.

Download Brochure

ICAR Winter School on Genetic and Genomics tools for Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Management

The Winter School Brochure 3 fold provides information about a program on Genetic and Genomics tools for Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. The program will take place from January 15th to February 4th, 2025, at the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Kochi, India. It covers topics such as marine biodiversity, population genomics, and fish health management. The document outlines eligibility criteria, important dates, and application procedures. It also details travel and accommodation arrangements for selected participants. The program aims to enhance knowledge of molecular tools for sustainable fisheries management and is open to scientists and faculty members meeting specific criteria. For more details download brochure.

Download Brochure

Short term course on Integrated Taxonomic Techniques for Marine Diversity Conservation

The ICAR-sponsored short course, "Integrated Taxonomic Techniques for Marine Biodiversity Conservation," will be held from 18–28 February 2025 at CMFRI Kochi. It aims to sensitize National Agricultural Research System (NARS) professionals to the concepts and applications of taxonomy in fisheries development, enhance their skills in using taxonomic tools during the UN Decade of the Oceans, and provide training on applying taxonomy through software tools. For more details download brochure.

Download Brochure

Short-term Training on Water and Sediment Analytical Techniques with Special Reference to Marine Life

ICAR-CMFRI is organizing Know your Marine Biodiversity & Environment (MarBiE 3) series of Trainings again. A Short-term Training on Water and Sediment Analytical Techniques with Special Reference to Marine Life is being held from 25-29 November 2024. This program is designed for individuals interested in gaining practical skills in analyzing water and sediment samples for the purpose of studying marine life and its environment. The training will cover a variety of techniques, including:

• Water quality analysis (e.g., dissolved oxygen, nutrients, pollutants)
• Sediment characterization (e.g., grain size, organic matter content)
• Identification of common marine contaminants
• Utilizing analytical instruments for water and sediment analysis
• Field trips for collection of sediment and water samples

Space is limited, so we encourage you to register early.

Training Details:
• Date: 25th November 2024 to 29th November 2024
• Venue: Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Post Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O., Kochi-682 018.
Registration Information:
Interested participants can register online at the following Google form on or before 05.00 pm November 12, 2024.
• Registration Link:

• Email: (for any questions)
• Registration Fee: Rs. 5000/-

Human Resource Development
  • CMFRI also provides facilities for carrying out short-term research programmes/ internship for Post graduate students subject to ICAR Guidelines
  • CMFRI is a recognised research centres of various universities and offers facilities to the awardees of various fellowships like UGC-JRF, DST-INSPIRE, and CSIR etc. for pursuing their Ph.D. programmes.

Some of the Universities which recognise CMFRI as a research centre


  • Central Institute of Fisheries Education
  • Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin
  • University of Kerala
  • Mangalore University
  • University of Madras
  • Andhra University
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