Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI conducts training programme on seaweed & sea cage farming for fishers/entrepreneurs
As a part of entrepreneurship development, a training programme on “Seaweed & Sea Cage Farming for fishers/entrepreneurs of Adirampattinam, Thanjavur district” was organized at the Mandapam Regional Centre on 27th & 28th August, 2024. The training programme was inaugurated by Dr. Vinod, K., Principal Scientist & Head, Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI. A total of six fishers/entrepreneurs were benefitted through this programme. Hands-on experience on sea cage farming & pond farming, seed production of cobia & silver pompano, bamboo raft, monoline method & tube-net method of seaweed farming & IMTA were imparted. Interaction with successful seaweed/sea cage farmers & marketers has motivated them to take a decision on further course of action. Field visit to sea cage farms, Munaikadu & Mandapam were arranged. Trainees interacted with the scientists & staff of the Mandapam Regional Centre and gained knowledge on seaweed & sea cage farming. Booklets on Good Management Practices in Seaweed Farming, Hand Book on Sea Cage Farming and Pamphlet on Disease Management were provided for further references. Valedictory address was delivered by Dr. Vinod, K., Principal Scientist & Head and he distributed the certificates & booklets to the trainees. The convenor of the programme is Dr. Johnson, B., Senior Scientist.