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Dr. Mahesh V.

Role : Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Fisheries Resource Management
  • Fishery Biology and Population Dynamics
  • Fish Biodiversity and Conservation

Background :

I completed my Bachelor of Fisheries Science from the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, after that Master of Fisheries Sciences and PhD in Fisheries Resource Management from the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka. I joined the Agricultural Research Service in January 2016. I was posted to the Calicut Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI as a Scientist in the erstwhile Demersal Fisheries Division. Since then, I involved in the assessment of major demersal fish resources of the Northern Kerala coast and the impacts of fishing and climate on these resources. I got transferred to Karwar Regional Station of CMFRI in Oct 2022 and presently serving in the Finfish Fisheries Division, concentrating on the biology and fishery of finfish resources of the Indian EEZ, for their sustainable exploitation and resource management.


Education :

  • Ph.D 2015  Fisheries Resource Management, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka
  • M.F.Sc 2011 Fisheries Resource Management, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka
  • B.F.Sc  2009  Fisheries Science, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka

Current Research Projects :

  • Science for sustainability: developing an integrated assessment framework to support management decisions for marine fisheries in Karnataka & Goa (2024-2029) Sujitha Thomas

  • Decoding the interplay of fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent factors on elasmobranchs of India to improve conservation, sustainability, livelihood security and management (2024-2029) Shoba Joe Kizhakudan

  • Development of integrated scientific management approaches for biological and livelihood sustainability of the fishery of tuna and tuna -like fishes along the Indian Coast (2024-2029) E.M. Abdussamad  
    Resource Assessment and Management Framework for Sustainable Marine Fisheries of Kerala (2017-2022)

  • Developing management plans for sustainable exploitation & conservation of elasmobranchs in India (2017-2023)

  • National fishery management framework for large pelagic resources (2017-2024)

  • Preparation of interactive digital inventory of marine fish landing centre focused information to serve as a decision making tool for “marine spatial planning” in India (2022-2024)

  • National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (2021-2022)

  • Resource assessment and management framework for sustaining marine fisheries of Karnataka and Goa (2022-2023)

  • Development of guidelines for “Best practices” for trawl fishery in India (2017-2020)

  • Monitoring and assessment of juvenile fishery along the coast of Kerala (2017-2020)

  • Assessing the status of elasmobranchs protected under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 (2017-2020)

Awards & Recognitions :

  • 2021 Received Best Paper Presentation Award in the theme ‘Marine Biodiversity and Taxonomy’ at the International Webinar “CONSERVATION OF LIFE BELOW WATER: Perspectives on Systematics, Sustainable Livelihoods and Citizen Science (COLIBA-2021)” organized by the University of Kerala, during 18-20 March 2021.
  • Recognized as a Post-Graduate Teacher in the discipline of Fisheries Resource Management, by the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal & Fisheries Sciences University.


    Best 5 Publications :

    1.Kumar, R., Dash, G., Muktha, M., Sasikumar, G., Ganga, U., Kizhakudan, S.J., Chellappan, A., Santhosh, B., Sukumaran, S., Thomas, S., Varghese, E., Abdussamad, E.M., Jose, J., Dash, S.S., Rahangdale, S., Pillai, S.L., Remya, L., Akhilesh, K.V., Chakraborty, R.D., Rajesh, K.M., Najmudeen, T.M., Kuriakose, S., Mini, K.G., Purushottama, G.B., Kavitha, M ., Vidya, R., Nakhawa, A.D., Vinothkumar, R., Roul, S.K., Mahesh, V., Wilson, L., Divipala, I., Jasmin, F., Azeez, P.A., Surya, S., Koya, M., Manas, H.M., Vase, V.K., Rajkumar, M., Dineshbabu, A.P., Sarada, P.T., Venkatesan, V., Nair, R.J., Kumar, R.K., Gomathi, P, Ali, S.K., Rathinam, A.M.M., Laxmilatha, P Ghosh, S., Jayasankar, J. and Gopalakrishnan, A. 2024. Assessment of marine fish stocks within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone: Status report 2022. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 71 (1): 1-11.

    2.Sajikumar, K.K., Sasikumar, G., Viswambharan, D.,  Rahuman, S., Jeena, N.S., Vineesh, N., Binesh, C.P., Koya, K.P.S., Mahesh, V., Rohit, P., Asokan, P.K. and Mohan, S. 2024. Resolving taxonomic ambiguity and distribution of Tremoctopus gracilis (Cephalopoda: Tremoctopodidae) based on molecular evidence. Marine Biology, 171:1-11.

    3.Mahesh, V., Said Koya, K.P., Jeena, N.S., Rajan Kumar, Asokan, P.K., Vinod, K., Shikha Rahangdale and Zacharia, P.U. 2022. First detailed report of Banded driftfish Psenes arafurensis (Gunther, 1889) from the Arabian Sea. Thalassus, 38: 565-571.

    4.Dineshbabu, A.P., Thomas, S., Josileen, J., Sarada, P.T., Pillai, S.L., Chakraborty, R.D., Dash, G., Chellappan, A., Ghosh, S., Purushottama, G.B., Kumar, R., Rajkumar, M., Divipala, I., Nakhawa, A.D., Kumar, R.R.,  Akhilesh, K.V., Mahesh, V., Dash, S.S., Pradhan, R.K., Rahangdale, S., Vinothkumar, R., Kizhakudan, S.J., Rajesh, K.M., Narayanakumar, R., Lekshmi, P.S.S., and Raju, S.S., Maheswarudu, G and Sivadas, M. 2022. Bycatch in Indian trawl fisheries and some suggestions for trawl bycatch mitigation. Current Science Current Science, 123 (11): 1372-1380.

    5.Thomas, S., Muktha, M., Sen, S., Kizhakudan, S.J., Akhilesh, K.V., Purushottama, G.B., Mahesh, V., Rahangdale, S. Zacharia, P.U., Najmudeen, T.M., Manojkumar, P.P., Remya, L., Wilson, L., Roul, S.K., Pradhan, R., Seetha, P.K., Yousuf, K.S.S.M and Nataraja, G.D. 2021. Status of the hammerhead shark (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae) fishery in Indian waters with observations on the biology of scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-15.

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