Focus of Research :
- Population dynamics & stock assessment of aquatic organism
- Taxonomy, biodiversity and bio-geography of aquatic organism
- Remote sensing, geographic information system and climate change
- Ecosystem-based fisheries management
Education :
- B. F. Sc (2012) College of Fisheries, Mangalore
- M. . FSc (2014) ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai
- Ph. D in Fisheries Resource Management (2022) ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai
Current Research Projects :
- Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decisions for marine fisheries of Gujarat,Daman & Diu: In-house
- Investigations on the recruitment of juvenile/sub-adult penaeid shrimps form nursery habitats to derive management insights for the coastal penaeid shrimp fishery: In-house
- Development of sustainable mariculture practices through technological innovations in cage and coastal farmin: In-house
- National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA): Externally funded
- Algal Blooms estimation and associated bio-optical properties in Indian Ocean region using OCM-3 and sea-truth measurement: Externally funded
- Phytoplankton diversity in Indian Ocean using OCM-3: Externally funded
Awards & Recognitions :
- R.N. Ramchandra Memorial Gold medal, University Gold Medal and Dr. K.V. Devaraj Gold medal: B.F.Sc. (2008-12): KVAFSU, BIDAR
- Best Fisheries Graduate (Dr. K.C. Naik Award): PFGF (2012)
- Hiralal Chaudhuri Gold medal: M.F.Sc in FRM (2012-14)
- Rabindranath Krothapalli Gold Medal: Best PhD thesis (2022-23) of ICAR-CIFE
- Best paper Award at National Conference on “Transforming Rural Poverty to Prosperity through Sustainable Fisheries (TRPSF-2023)” held at Bihar Animal Science University, Bihar during 19-21 July, 2023.
- Kumar, R., Dineshbabu, A.P., Rahangdale, S., Vase, V.K., Gohel, J. and Solanki, V., 2022. Assessing low value crustacean bycatch species using length based bayesian biomass (LBB) method, a tool for data poor fish stock assessment. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3).
- Pavan-Kumar, A., Kumar, R., Pitale, P., Shen, K.N. and Borsa, P., 2018. Neotrygon indica sp. nov., the Indian Ocean blue-spotted maskray (Myliobatoidei, Dasyatidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 341(2), pp.120-130.
- Kumar, R., Rahangdale, S. and Roul, S.K., 2018. Filling missing links in albuneid crab distributions (superfamily Hippoidea) in the Bay of Bengal, eastern Indian Ocean. Crustaceana, 91(12), pp.1495-1504.
- Vase, V.K., Koya, M.K., Dash, G., Dash, S., Sreenath, K.R., Divu, D., Kumar, R., Rahangdale, S., Pradhan, R.K., Azeez, A. and Sukhdhane, K.S., 2021. Acetes as a keystone species in the fishery and trophic ecosystem along northeastern Arabian Sea. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 37(1), pp.367-377.
- Purayil, S.B.P., Thomas, S.M., Kumar, R., Anirudhan, A., Praveen, N.D., Gopal, V.N., Rohit, P. and Achamveetil, G., 2024. Spatial variation of the broodstock availability of Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskal 1775) with emphasis on seasonality, lunar periodicity, and sex ratio for facilitating efficient breeding program. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 69, p.103304.
Best 5 Publications :
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