Focus of Research :
- Mariculture
- Marine Finfish reproduction and seed production
- Marine ornamentals breeding and seed production
- Bioprospecting of Microalgae
- Aquaculture Livefeeds
Background :
Joined Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) as Scientist in January 2014. As an aquaculture researcher, I have worked on the biomass production of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis; developed prototypes of photobioreactor for biomass production of microalgae with integrated harvesting system; standardized processes for extraction of high valued pigment phycocyanin from spirulina; assessed atmospheric carbon sequestration potential of microalgae; worked on ecotoxicity and bioremediation of aquatic pollutants through bacteria and microalgae at ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai. Joined Vizhinjam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI in October, 2022. Presently working on mass production of live feeds; captive reproduction and larval rearing of economically important marine food fish and ornamental species.
Education :
- Ph.D. (2019), Aquatic Environmental Management, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries
Education, Mumbai. - MFSc (2011), Aquatic Environmental Management, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education,
Mumbai. - BFSc (2009), Fisheries Science, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tuticorin, TANUVAS
Current Research Projects :
Current Research Projects:
Sl.No. | Project Title | Funded By |
1 | Captive breeding and seed production of important finfishes, shellfishes | CMFRI |
2 | Evaluation of crowding and transportation stress in silver pompano (Trachinotus blochii) and development of mitigation strategies | CMFRI |
3 | Development of larval quality indices for farmed marine finfishes | CMFRI |
4 | National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture - Marine Fisheries | NICRA, ICAR |
5. | All India Network Project on Mariculture | AINP, ICAR |
6. | All India Network Project on Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture | AINP, ICAR |
Awards & Recognitions :
- Received Certificate of Appreciation for knowledge commercialization for “The designs of the
photobioreactor for microalgae culture” from ICAR-CIFE, 2023 - Recognized as Reviewer in peer reviewed international journals viz Journal of Environmental
Management; Journal of Phycology - 2009-11: Dr. Hiralal Choudhary Gold Medal Award for securing the first position in the M.F.Sc.
(Aquatic Environment Management) in Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai. - 2005-09: TANUVAS Alumni Association Gold Medal for securing I Rank with 1 st class in B.F.Sc.
degree. - 2005-09: Mrs. T. Gopalan Nair Gold Medal for securing I Rank with 1 st class in B.F.Sc. degree
(2009). - 2005-09: Parasakthi Vaithilingam Excellence Award for the best outgoing B.F.Sc. student who
has secured highest OGPA. - Recognized as External Examiner (Question Setter/Evaluator) of Tamilnadu Fisheries University,
- Sudarshan, S., Bharti, V. S., Harikrishnan, S., Shukla, S. P., & RathiBhuvaneswari, G.* (2022). Eco-toxicological effect of a commercial dye Rhodamine B on freshwater microalgae Chlorella
vulgaris. Archives of Microbiology, 204(10), 658. - Moorthy, A. K., Rathi, B. G.*, Shukla, S. P., Kumar, K., & Bharti, V. S. (2021). Acute toxicity of textile dye Methylene blue on growth and metabolism of selected freshwater microalgae. Environmental
Toxicology and Pharmacology, 82, 103552. - Kumar, V. S., Pandey, P. K., Anand, T., Bhuvaneswari, G. R., Dhinakaran, A., & Kumar, S. (2018). Biofloc improves water, effluent quality and growth parameters of Penaeus vannamei in an intensive culture
system. Journal of Environmental Management, 215, 206-215. - Kumar, V. S., Pandey, P. K., Anand, T., Bhuvaneswari, R., & Kumar, S. (2017). Effect of periphyton (aquamat) on water quality, nitrogen budget, microbial ecology, and growth parameters of Litopenaeus
vannamei in a semi-intensive culture system. Aquaculture, 479, 240-249. - Bhuvaneswari, G. R., Shukla, S. P., Makesh, M., Thirumalaiselvan, S., Sudhagar, S. A., Kothari, D. C., & Singh, A. (2013). Antibacterial activity of spirulina (Arthospira platensis geitler) against bacterial
pathogens in Aquaculture. Isr. J. Aquac.-Bamidgeh, 932, 1-8.