Dr. Sujitha Thomas
Role : Principal Scientist & Head, Mangalore RC
+91 824 2424152
Focus of Research :
- Demersal fisheries
- Finfish mariculture/ Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA)
- Marine fisheries and climate change
- Biodiversity
Background :
Dr. Sujitha Thomas, presently serving as the Head and Principal Scientist of the Mangalore Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI, entered the Agriculture Research Service in 1996. Gold medallist in Marine Biology from Cochin University of Science and Technology has 29years of experience in finfish stock management, GIS-based mapping of exploited marine fishery resources, marine biodiversity studies, and finfish cage farming and worked in various research centres of CMFRI.
Significant Research Achievements: Conducted coral reef and biodiversity studies in Karnataka and Goa, recorded two new species in Indian waters and prepared a compendium of about 453 Marine species from Karnataka waters. Pioneered marine finfish cage culture benefiting over 1000 farmers in Karnataka State and holding a patent for cage design. Implemented GIS-based resource mapping ecosystem modelling for Karnataka and Goa and best practices for trawling in Karnataka. Assessed climate change vulnerability in 68 marine species along the Indian Coast and established a climate-smart village in coastal Karnataka to cope with climate vagaries and demonstrated various alternate livelihood options for fishers.
Prepared a policy document for sustainable marine resource management in Karnataka. A Decision support tool was developed in the form of a roadmap for improved protection of endangered sharks, rays and guitarfish in Indian waters including non-detriment findings for CITES-listed species. Has Inter-institutional and foreign research experience in universities abroad, part of FAO –CMFRI Collaborative project and Collaborator of FishBase global species database. Involved with Tribal and Scheduled caste subplan projects in mariculture along Karnataka coast. Conducted various training programmes, stakeholder awareness meetings, and coordinated national and international meetings.
Education :
- PhD 2007 University of Calicut
- MSc 1992 Marine Biology, Cochin University of Science & Technology
- BSc 1989 Zoology, University of Kerala
Current Research Projects :
No | Title | Funded By |
1 | Development of Fisheries Management plans for sustaining marine fisheries of Karnataka and Goa. | CMFRI |
2 | GIS Based resource mapping of distribution and abundance of finfishes and shell fishes off Indian coast for suggesting operational based strategies for fisheries management. | CMFRI |
3 | Assessment of Elasmobranch Resources in the Indian Seas | CMFRI |
4 | Innovations in Sea cage farming & Coastal Mariculture | CMFRI |
5 | Flow of matter through trophic levels and biogeochemical cycles in marine and estuarine ecosystems. | MoES |
6 | National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) | ICAR |
Awards & Recognitions :
- Best paper award in International /National symposium conferences (Greening Fisheries, BRAQCON – 2019, EG Silas Memorial Award etc)
- Fish base collaborator since 1997
- Approved Research guide for Mangalore University, Karnataka
- Approved Research guide for Central Institute of Fisheries Education Mumbai
- Recognized research guide for College of Fisheries Mangalore, Karnataka
Patent /Technology
- Patent for a device for breeding and culturing Marine fishes in open sea (Patent No : 322166)
- Technology: A framework using biological reference points for assessing the health status of marine fish stock
- Thomas, Sujitha, Muktha, M, Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen, Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe, Akhilesh, K V , Purushottama, G B, Mahesh, V, Rahangdale, Shikha, Zacharia, P U, Najmudeen, T M, Manojkumar, P P, Remya, L, Wilson, Livi , Roul, Subal Kumar, Pradhan, Rajesh Kumar , Seetha, P K, Yousuf, K S S M and Nataraja, G D (2021) Status of the hammerhead shark (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae) fishery in Indian waters with observations on the biology of scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834). Aquatic Conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. pp. 1-15.
- Thomas, Sujitha, Purushottama, G B, Nataraja, G D and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe (2020) Fishery and biological characteristics of the spadenose shark Scoliodon laticaudus Müller & Henle, 1838 from the Eastern Arabian Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 34. pp. 19-9.
- Dineshbabu, A P, Zacharia, P U and Thomas, Sujitha et al (2020) Assessment of stock vulnerability of Indian marine fishes to past changes in climate and options for adaptation. Climate Research, 79. pp. 175-192.
- Saha, Purbali, Thomas, Sujitha, Badanthadka, Murali, Sharma, S R Krupesha, Mathias, Michelle (2023) Toxicity assessment of Tetrodotoxin of commercially exploited smooth blassop Lagocephalus inermis in South-Eastern Arabian Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 64. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2352 4855
- Saha, Purbali, Thomas, Sujitha, Shailaja, S, Dineshbabu, A P, Rohit, Prathibha and Nataraja, G D (2019) Fishery and GIS Based Spatio-Temporal Distribution Analysis of Smooth Blaasop, Lagocephalus inermis, in South-Eastern Arabian Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20 (4). pp. 267-278.