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Dr. Surya S.

Role : Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Sustainabilityand Management of Indian Marine Fisheries
  • Fishtaxonomy and biology
  • Fishbreeding

Background :

In 2014, I joined theAgricultural Research Service (99th  FOCARS at NAARM, Hyderabad) and posted inICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in April 2014. I joined CMFRI,Kochi, as a Scientist with a Masters in Fisheries Resource Management. Imoved to the Mandapam Regional Centre of the CMFRI in October 2014, and then in2017, I went to the Vizhinjam Regional Centre of the ICAR-CMFRI in Trivandrum,Kerala. I am now focusing on the taxonomy, fisheries biology, stock assessment,and breeding of pelagic and demersal fishes along the Southern Kerala coast.


Education :

  • Ph.D 2023 Fisheries Resource Management, CIFE, Mumbai
  • M.F.Sc 2011, Fisheries Resource Management, CIFE, Mumbai
  • B.F.Sc 2009, KUFOS, Panangad

Current Research Projects :


Project Details

Name of funding agency


Resource Assessment and Management Framework for Sustainable Marine Fisheries of Kerala (DEM/RMS/07)

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



National fishery management framework for large pelagic resources

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



Resource Assessment and Management Framework for Sustainable Marine Fisheries of Lakshadweep (PEL/LAK/06)

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



Developing management plans for sustainable exploitation and conservation of elasmobranchs in India

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



Marine eggs and larval diversity and its distribution along the Indian coast

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



All India Network Project on Mariculture

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



Enhanced production of Silver pompano through the establishment of broodbank and supply of larvae to states for seed production

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



E.G. Silas Centre of Excellence and innovations (EGS- CoEI) in Marine Fish Microbiome and Nutrigenomics

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



Scheduled caste Subplan project

Status: Co-Principal Investigator



Estimation of marine fish landings from the potential impact zones of Vizhinjam International Sea port, India

Status: Principal Investigator


Awards & Recognitions :

Professional Affiliatios

Member, Working partiesof FAO- IOTC for tuna and billfishes



    Best 5 Publications :

    1.Surya, S and Rohit, Prathibha andAbdussamad, E M and Asha, T L and Santhosh, B and Nayak, B B and Karankumar, Rand Mini, K G and Kingsly, H Jose and Anil, M K (2022) Habitat suitability ofIndo-Pacific sailfish Istiophorusplatypterus (Shaw, 1792) in the Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Fisheries,69 (2). pp. 19-29.

    2.Anil, M K and Rohini Krishna, M V andGomathi, P and Surya, S and Ambarish, Gop P and Santhosh, B and Siju, R andAnand, V and Krishna Priya, P M and Shalin, O and Raju, B and Madhu, K andGopalakrishnan, A (2022) Recent advances in marine ornamental breeding and seedproduction at Vizhinjam Regional Centre of CMFRI India. Frontiers in MarineScience. pp. 1-16.

    3.Jeena, N S and Rahuman, Summaya andRoul, Subal Kumar and Abdul Azeez, P and Vinothkumar, R and Manas, H M andNesnas, E A and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Surya, S and Rohit, Prathibhaand Abdussamad, E M and Gopalakrishnan, A (2022) Resolved and Redeemed: A NewFleck to the Evolutionary Divergence in the Genus Scomberomorus Lacepède, 1801 (Scombridae) With Cryptic Speciation.Frontiers in Marine Science.

    4.ShailaPrasad, R and Santhosh, B and Abraham, K M and Jasmine, S and Surya, S andSaleela, K N and Benziger, V P (2021) Length-weight, length-lengthrelationships and condition factor of obtuse barracuda Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier, 1829 (Pisces: Perciformes) fromVizhinjam coast, Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 68 (1). pp.102-108.

    5.Surya,S and Johnson, B and Jeena, N S and Anikuttan, K K and Rajkumar, M and Remya, Land Shanmuganathan, K and Nazar, A K A (2018) Examination on the biologicaleconomics of inshore shore seine fishery: A case study from Dhanushkodi Island,Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 47 (10). pp. 2049-2055.

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