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  • The first planned survey of marine fishing villages was conducted by CMFRI in 1948-49 which yielded information on village wise population, number of active fishermen and different types of fishing units. Similar surveys were conducted during 1957-58 and 1961-62. The survey later conducted during 1973-77 generated information on number of mechanized and indigenous fishing crafts and gears for each maritime states. Read More
  • In 1980 CMFRI undertook a well organized marine fisheries census covering all maritime states in the mainland except for Maharashtra were the census was conducted by the state fisheries department in the previous year. In this census 2132 marine fishing villages, 1442 marine fish landing centers and 333038 households were covered.  Read More
  • The next planned census was conducted by CMFRI with support from the Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries (DAHDF) in 2005 for all the maritime states and two union territories in the main land covering 3202 marine fishing villages, 1332 marine fish landing centers and 756212 marine fishermen households.
  • The marine fisheries census conducted in 2010 jointly by CMFRI and DAHDF covering all the 9 maritime states and two union territories collected information on social and educational status of fishermen, infrastructure facilities etc from 3288 marine fishing villages, 1511 marine fish landing centres and 864550 marine fishermen households and the compiled information is available in reports one each for maritime states, union territories and all India.
  • The latest marine fisheries census was conducted in 2016 jointly by CMFRI and DAHDF.

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