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Formulation of Schemes/Projects

Project may be formulated, after estimating the gaps in the development of SC/STs with other castes , will prioritize their development needs through a consultative process with line department such as department of fisheries/Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation/Village Office/Gramasabha/tribal extension office/tribal welfare office/department of forest.

Implementation of Scheme/Projects

  1. Identify socio-economic indicators to highlight development deficits of SC/ST population
  2. Conduct a critical gap analysis to assess the deprivation of SC/ST on identified socio- economic parameters
  3. Identify priority-areas under SCSP and TSP in consultation with line department such as department of fisheries/Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation/Village Office/Gramasabha/tribal extension office/tribal welfare office/department of forest.
  4. Prepare a comprehensive perspective of SCSP and TSP documents.
  5. Examine various on-going schemes and their budgetary allocations and suggest new schemes on the basis of assessment and discussions with the concerned line Departments such as department of fisheries, Panchayat or Municipality or Corporation or Village Office or Gramasabha, and tribal extension office and tribal welfare office and department of forest.
  6. The scheme strategic measures, set target-oriented specific socio-economic indicators for various programmes/schemes in consultation with the line departments. Only those schemes/programmes, that full-fill the criteria of securing direct benefits to SC/ST individuals, households and localities to be selected.
  7. Design a comprehensive monitoring framework with well-defined indicators
  8. Ensure transparency and accountability at all levels in the implementation of schemes and dissemination of information electronically relating to schemes/programmes, along with physical targets and achievements, placing this information in public domain.
  9. In order to effective implementation of the project electronic surveillance intimation and connection need to be given the Chairman SCSP/TSP and department of Police (Local or coastal police or coast guard or Navy) as a surveillant.
  10. Intimation regarding launching of SCSP/TSP programme in one location may be intimated to the line department such as department of fisheries/ Panchayat/ Municipality or Corporation / Village Office/ Gramasabha/ tribal extension office/ tribal welfare office and department of forest and police(Local or coastal), coast guard and navy.
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